Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Long Road to Healthy

As I'm nearing the end of my 4th week with my "no critter diet" (as my boyfriend calls it...haha), I can't help but think about the up's and down's I've had since I've started this journey.

Giving up meat and dairy products has been very hard. That simply wasn't enough, so then I decided to give up soda and fast food as well (cue the temper-tantrum my body gave me!). I didn't realize how much I had come to rely on my trips through the McDonals drive thru (super-sized for only a dollar more? sure!) or how often I ate something that had dairy in it.  I had to give myself a bit of a pep talk going into this whole thing and writing this blog has helped tremendously with that, as well as the friends and family in my life who have created an awesome circle of support for me (thanks guys!).

Giving up bad habits is not easy. As Mr. Ben Franklin once said, "It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them." and he is so right in that! I wish that I had taken better care of myself when I was a child. I wish that my parents had taught me the importance of exercise and healthy eating choices. I wish I had created a better image of myself so that I wouldn't hide my feelings with binge eating. Fact is--I wish a lot of things. But, I can't go back in time to change what has been done. I CAN however, re-train my mind and body with a healthy choices and try to make that cross over into a healthy lifestyle.

I've changed my eating habits and patterns. I no longer turn to food when I'm bored or stressed (or try not to!). I instead, go read a book, do my homework, take my puppy for a walk to the mailbox or take a hot bath and take some time to meditate. Planning ahead of time has been a key to my success. When you're waking up at 4:45 to quickly take a shower, do your hair and get ready for work, the last thing you want to do is figure out what you're packing in your lunch for the day! So, I've been packing my lunches at night before I go to bed. I specifically think about my day and what kind of protein I'm going to need and how much of it and pack accordingly! This has helped me a lot! Here's a peek at what a basic lunch for me consists of. Some form of protein (today I went with vegan friendly noodles and red sauce!), gotta remember the carrots and celery, soy nuts (a favorite of mine and also packs a lot of protein for my long days at work and school). I also need a little something sweet to conclude my meal, so I have found that all-natural, no sugar added applesauce with a sprinkle of cinnamon hits the spot!And wash it all down with lemon water!

I have lost a total of 9.6 (I've been rounding up to 10!) pounds, 2.5 inches from my hips, 1.5 inches from my waist and 1 inch from my arms in 25 days! **Happy Dance time!**

I will continue to make clean eating choices for the next couple weeks. I plan on staying on the vegan diet for a total of 6 weeks and then start adding healthy lean meats into my diet, mostly fish but maybe a chicken here or there :) I also want to start running. I really really badly want to become a runner. When I hear people talk about their experience with running, I just get goosebumps. It's just you and the pavement (or treadmill, or whatever it may be!) in sync with one another. Sweat pouring down your face and back and legs. Breathing hard. Pounding your stress and worries out on the road with your feet. It sounds so rewarding. I am sure I am going to be regretting saying all this while I'm running and I'll think to myself, "Oh this is just stupid!" or "Running is for crazy people!" but at least I'll be getting in shape while I'm thinking it huh? 

Anyways, that's my next goal for myself. To be able to make it through the Couch to 5K program for runners. I am looking forward to starting it as soon as I get my tax refund money to get a gym membership! Yay! :) 

Until next time fellow-bloggers!
Always Believe in Yourself and Never Say Never. 

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