Sunday, February 17, 2013


6 weeks have come and gone. Time passes quickly huh? I never thought I would enjoy a "diet" (I almost hate calling it that anymore...because it's really a lifestyle change) so much, but I actually enjoyed the last 6 weeks a lot! I learned a lot about myself and what I'm capable of when I have motivation, accounability and determination! I ventured outside my safe zone with food and tried things I wouldn't have even looked at before.

The past week, I've ventured outside of my new lifestyle changes this week and reverted back to my "old self" and I gotta tell you, my body was not happy with me! My body is no longer use to consuming meat or diary products. Oh man--did I find that out the hard way. Lots of bad stomach aches and lots of trips to the bathroom! I was impressed that my body had gotten use to the way of eating I was putting it through for the past 6 weeks and was actually saying, "NOOO! I don't want that cow in me!"

So, I suppose (since my body is telling me to!) that I will be continuing on the vegan-ish train! I plan on doing 5 full days of vegan food during my week, and the other 2 days I will be adding some chicken and fish as my body allows for it. I will be staying away from red meat as much as possible.

I started going to the gym (joined Bally's and I LOVE it!) 6-7 days a week. I've been highly motivated to go and work hard when I'm there. Lots of cardio, strength training and I even tried a Yoga class with a friend! I plan on also trying a Zumba class as well as Aqua Cardio and maybe even a spinning class! I actually want to go to the gym everyday--shocker! I'm sure my motivated will waver eventually, but until then I plan on diving head first in!

So, here's my meaurments after my initial 6 weeks of my vegan lifestyle change :)

               Starting:             After 6 weeks:             Amount Loss:       
Weight:    239.6 pounds         228.4                          11.2 pounds
Waist:       44 inches               40.5                            3.5 inches
Hips:         47 inches               44                               3 inches
Chest:       45.5 inches            44                               1.5 inches
Thighs:      28 inches              26.5                             1.5 inches
Calves:     15.5 inches            14.5                             1 inch
Arms:        15 inches              15                                0 inches
Neck:       14.5 inches            14.5                             0 inches

Monday, February 4, 2013

Comfort Zone Invaded!

A couple years ago, I would never have guessed that I'd be adventuring out of my comfort zone with food. And now here I am...trying all kinds of new foods and actually enjoying them!

As I'm nearing the end of my challenge (6 weeks of vegan-friendly choices) I am learning a lot about myself and what I'm capable of. I was the little girl who grew up being super picky about food (just ask my mom! she had to hide stuff when she cooked just so I ate what the rest of the family did without a fight).  And now here I am, eating tofu, hommus, quinoa, and lots of veggies and fruits--mama would be so proud! Just so we're clear though...I am still pretty picky. I have to continually give myself a pep-talk ("Come on Ash! It's just a little green stuff") when I'm cooking or getting ready to eat something I don't like or don't think I'll like. I will walk away from this challenge feeling better about myself and my looser-fitting pantalones (that's pants--in Spanish! Ha!).

So peeps--until next time, always believe in yourself!