Monday, February 4, 2013

Comfort Zone Invaded!

A couple years ago, I would never have guessed that I'd be adventuring out of my comfort zone with food. And now here I am...trying all kinds of new foods and actually enjoying them!

As I'm nearing the end of my challenge (6 weeks of vegan-friendly choices) I am learning a lot about myself and what I'm capable of. I was the little girl who grew up being super picky about food (just ask my mom! she had to hide stuff when she cooked just so I ate what the rest of the family did without a fight).  And now here I am, eating tofu, hommus, quinoa, and lots of veggies and fruits--mama would be so proud! Just so we're clear though...I am still pretty picky. I have to continually give myself a pep-talk ("Come on Ash! It's just a little green stuff") when I'm cooking or getting ready to eat something I don't like or don't think I'll like. I will walk away from this challenge feeling better about myself and my looser-fitting pantalones (that's pants--in Spanish! Ha!).

So peeps--until next time, always believe in yourself!


  1. I went to a Whole Foods when I was in Denver this past weekend and had such fun looking for new food ideas. I picked up a new Pho vegan broth and am going to see what I can create with that. Sometimes I try something and think, nope that ain't gonna happen again. I love red pepper hummus. Unfortunately, I love it with pretzels ;)

  2. Way to go Ash, so proud of you now like we all have to do is don't stop keep on going! Some days are better than others, and if you have a bad day don't give up. I love lot's of different food, my problem is portion control!
