Sunday, February 17, 2013


6 weeks have come and gone. Time passes quickly huh? I never thought I would enjoy a "diet" (I almost hate calling it that anymore...because it's really a lifestyle change) so much, but I actually enjoyed the last 6 weeks a lot! I learned a lot about myself and what I'm capable of when I have motivation, accounability and determination! I ventured outside my safe zone with food and tried things I wouldn't have even looked at before.

The past week, I've ventured outside of my new lifestyle changes this week and reverted back to my "old self" and I gotta tell you, my body was not happy with me! My body is no longer use to consuming meat or diary products. Oh man--did I find that out the hard way. Lots of bad stomach aches and lots of trips to the bathroom! I was impressed that my body had gotten use to the way of eating I was putting it through for the past 6 weeks and was actually saying, "NOOO! I don't want that cow in me!"

So, I suppose (since my body is telling me to!) that I will be continuing on the vegan-ish train! I plan on doing 5 full days of vegan food during my week, and the other 2 days I will be adding some chicken and fish as my body allows for it. I will be staying away from red meat as much as possible.

I started going to the gym (joined Bally's and I LOVE it!) 6-7 days a week. I've been highly motivated to go and work hard when I'm there. Lots of cardio, strength training and I even tried a Yoga class with a friend! I plan on also trying a Zumba class as well as Aqua Cardio and maybe even a spinning class! I actually want to go to the gym everyday--shocker! I'm sure my motivated will waver eventually, but until then I plan on diving head first in!

So, here's my meaurments after my initial 6 weeks of my vegan lifestyle change :)

               Starting:             After 6 weeks:             Amount Loss:       
Weight:    239.6 pounds         228.4                          11.2 pounds
Waist:       44 inches               40.5                            3.5 inches
Hips:         47 inches               44                               3 inches
Chest:       45.5 inches            44                               1.5 inches
Thighs:      28 inches              26.5                             1.5 inches
Calves:     15.5 inches            14.5                             1 inch
Arms:        15 inches              15                                0 inches
Neck:       14.5 inches            14.5                             0 inches

Monday, February 4, 2013

Comfort Zone Invaded!

A couple years ago, I would never have guessed that I'd be adventuring out of my comfort zone with food. And now here I am...trying all kinds of new foods and actually enjoying them!

As I'm nearing the end of my challenge (6 weeks of vegan-friendly choices) I am learning a lot about myself and what I'm capable of. I was the little girl who grew up being super picky about food (just ask my mom! she had to hide stuff when she cooked just so I ate what the rest of the family did without a fight).  And now here I am, eating tofu, hommus, quinoa, and lots of veggies and fruits--mama would be so proud! Just so we're clear though...I am still pretty picky. I have to continually give myself a pep-talk ("Come on Ash! It's just a little green stuff") when I'm cooking or getting ready to eat something I don't like or don't think I'll like. I will walk away from this challenge feeling better about myself and my looser-fitting pantalones (that's pants--in Spanish! Ha!).

So peeps--until next time, always believe in yourself!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Long Road to Healthy

As I'm nearing the end of my 4th week with my "no critter diet" (as my boyfriend calls it...haha), I can't help but think about the up's and down's I've had since I've started this journey.

Giving up meat and dairy products has been very hard. That simply wasn't enough, so then I decided to give up soda and fast food as well (cue the temper-tantrum my body gave me!). I didn't realize how much I had come to rely on my trips through the McDonals drive thru (super-sized for only a dollar more? sure!) or how often I ate something that had dairy in it.  I had to give myself a bit of a pep talk going into this whole thing and writing this blog has helped tremendously with that, as well as the friends and family in my life who have created an awesome circle of support for me (thanks guys!).

Giving up bad habits is not easy. As Mr. Ben Franklin once said, "It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them." and he is so right in that! I wish that I had taken better care of myself when I was a child. I wish that my parents had taught me the importance of exercise and healthy eating choices. I wish I had created a better image of myself so that I wouldn't hide my feelings with binge eating. Fact is--I wish a lot of things. But, I can't go back in time to change what has been done. I CAN however, re-train my mind and body with a healthy choices and try to make that cross over into a healthy lifestyle.

I've changed my eating habits and patterns. I no longer turn to food when I'm bored or stressed (or try not to!). I instead, go read a book, do my homework, take my puppy for a walk to the mailbox or take a hot bath and take some time to meditate. Planning ahead of time has been a key to my success. When you're waking up at 4:45 to quickly take a shower, do your hair and get ready for work, the last thing you want to do is figure out what you're packing in your lunch for the day! So, I've been packing my lunches at night before I go to bed. I specifically think about my day and what kind of protein I'm going to need and how much of it and pack accordingly! This has helped me a lot! Here's a peek at what a basic lunch for me consists of. Some form of protein (today I went with vegan friendly noodles and red sauce!), gotta remember the carrots and celery, soy nuts (a favorite of mine and also packs a lot of protein for my long days at work and school). I also need a little something sweet to conclude my meal, so I have found that all-natural, no sugar added applesauce with a sprinkle of cinnamon hits the spot!And wash it all down with lemon water!

I have lost a total of 9.6 (I've been rounding up to 10!) pounds, 2.5 inches from my hips, 1.5 inches from my waist and 1 inch from my arms in 25 days! **Happy Dance time!**

I will continue to make clean eating choices for the next couple weeks. I plan on staying on the vegan diet for a total of 6 weeks and then start adding healthy lean meats into my diet, mostly fish but maybe a chicken here or there :) I also want to start running. I really really badly want to become a runner. When I hear people talk about their experience with running, I just get goosebumps. It's just you and the pavement (or treadmill, or whatever it may be!) in sync with one another. Sweat pouring down your face and back and legs. Breathing hard. Pounding your stress and worries out on the road with your feet. It sounds so rewarding. I am sure I am going to be regretting saying all this while I'm running and I'll think to myself, "Oh this is just stupid!" or "Running is for crazy people!" but at least I'll be getting in shape while I'm thinking it huh? 

Anyways, that's my next goal for myself. To be able to make it through the Couch to 5K program for runners. I am looking forward to starting it as soon as I get my tax refund money to get a gym membership! Yay! :) 

Until next time fellow-bloggers!
Always Believe in Yourself and Never Say Never. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wallowing...more like wailing

Blah. Plain and simple, that's how I feel this week. My motivation is way down...almost feels nonexistent right now. I'm the type of person that takes everything so personally that when bad things happen or I make a bad decision, I make myself pay for that until I feel I've made up for it. I will be making up BIG time for this week.

Work has been crazy insane with inventory this week. I take my work home with me (bad habit!) so that hasn't been helping at all either.  Lot's of early morning runs to 7-Eleven for my Red Bull and a yummy fruit and cheese-filled pastry fix as I head into work for a long day. I have been drinking a lot of water which is an upside, however; I doubt the amount of water I drink can contend in the ring with a cheese pizza from Domino's (I'VE BEEN A NAUGHTY GIRL!). Cue the tears and the anger.

It has also been an emotional week for me and I'm taking it out on my eating patterns. I either don't eat all or eat too much of the not-so-good stuff. I don't want to make excuses (Ashley, isn't that what you're doing??) but that's just how it's gone over the last few days.

I will get back on track, I've made too many promises to myself to turn back now. I plan on joining a gym with my tax refund money and continuing to try this Vegan lifestyle.

GOOD NEWS= I have none. :( I'm going to go wallow in self-pity and have a glass of wine. Or maybe two.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Na na na na...hey hey hey, Goodbye Fat!

Good morning, everyone! Today when I woke up, I planned on sleeping in and being lazy since I don't have to be at work until later this afternoon (after 5 mornings of 6am at work--a girl needs her beauty rest!) however I got my lazy tooishy out of bed and greeted the day. And what a day it is! First, the sun is shinning and the skies are a deep blue today. It warmed my whole body, even my heart a little, when I took the puppy out for a bathroom break. I love when the sun comes out and it feels like it might be getting closer to spring (ok--that's me being a little hopeful. It's still January in Denver.)

After coming back inside, I got on the scale thinking I'd gained a pound since yesterday I didn't eat much of anything good (breakfast was a pastry and a protein bar, lunch was 5 bites of a salad I hated and tasted like nothing and a couple peanut butter cookies, dinner was healthy with my first attempt at eating tofu--I fried it in soy sauce and added it to my noodle and veggie stir-fry. and dessert, well--let's just say I have a major weakness for chocolate and peanut butter cups. So, I was doubtful I had lost anything even though that was my only day of weakness this week. BUT, I got on the scale--2 more pounds down!! That brings my total weight loss to 8 pounds nearing the end of my 2nd week of veganism!

After seeing what 5 pounds of fat looked like (and knowing I have lost 8!), motivated my workout for today. I used my The Biggest Loser Power Walk DVD and walked 2 miles with the low-impact things they incorporate to get my heart-rate up! I sweated lots of got my heart-rate up there and I felt great afterwards, plus it's low-impact for my bad knees which is great!

**Always believe in yourself and never say never!**

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Drop It Like Its Hot!

I made it through the week! *Doing a happy dance*

I have been impressed with my strength this week. I honestly didn't think I had it in me to resist the temptations from my no-no foods this week, BUT I DID! I have to tell you, it feels really good but I wont be celebrating too much. I heard somewhere that it takes 90 days to make something a permanent change and a way of life, so I guess I have a little ways to go. I will tell ya this, if I can do this you can too! I am one of the most wishy-washy people when it comes to sticking to a plan (especially diets) and I usually end up making an excuse for why it didn't work out for me when in reality it was just me not giving it 100%.

So, this week paid off mucho mucho! I re-took my measurements and was shocked. I actually took them three times before I actually believed the numbers were real and I didn't need to go to the eye doctor.

That being said....*Drum roll please!*

Weight as of the 13th= 234 (5.6 pounds lost since the 6th!)
Hips as of the 13th= 44.5 inches (2.5 inches lost since the 6th)
Waist as of the 13th= 42.5 inches (1.5 inches lost since the 6th)

Alright, so here's the tricky part. I really need your help friends! I need continuted encourgagement and prayers that I stay strong and don't give up. I also would LOVE tips like recipies. I find that I'm eating the same foods and its getting a little boring.

I plan on exercising more this week. I did some light stuff this past week, but I want to really start breaking a sweat and burning those calories this week. 

Thanks for following me on this journey--it's been super fun so far!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Not Dying...Weird!

Well...I'm closing on the fourth day of my "Veagalicious" (I decided to give Vegan a new name that fits me more. Ha!) lifestyle change. AND...I'm still alive! More importantly, I haven't snapped from my lack of animal spirits whom visited me multiple times a day.

The days have actually passed fairly easily and I find as long as I don't spend my time looking at coupons filled with lots of pictures of perfectly cut meat or think about the things I miss, I'm OK. I'm still eating plenty of things I like and crave. Granted, I have kept a little bit of dairy into the mix of things (I have a mad obsession with Chobani Greek Yogurt--even if it does make my stomach hurt!). I've been keeping a food journal using the My Fitness Pal app on my iPhone. That thing is super easy to use and I can use the barcode scanner to easily add food I've eaten. There's even a section to keep track of your water intake and your workouts! I'm not sure how accurate the calories burned is, but I thought it was pretty neat!

Although I haven't noticed a huge difference in my weight (I am slightly obsessed with getting on the scale--such a bad habit that I need to break!), I do feel like I have a little bit more energy and I've been sleeping great at night! For years I've struggled with insomnia. I usually have to take melatonin to wind my body down at the end of my day. I haven't had to do that at all since I've started this diet. I was amazed! OK--and let me clarify, I am NOT a fan of those cheesy infomercials where the actors and actresses totally fake everything and say the product is amazing when they probably haven't even tried it! So, you can trust me when I say the things I do about this diet. I wouldn't lie to ya'll, what's the point to that?

So, I guess we continue on this journey and see how everything ends up. I do know I need to get some more vegan-friendly recipies and start venturing out there with my food choices because if I don't, I'm going to resort to yelling at the McDonald's drive-thru lady demanding a cow and probably get thrown in jail. Let's not do that. :)

"It took more than a day to gain the weight, I'll take more than one to lose it."