Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wallowing...more like wailing

Blah. Plain and simple, that's how I feel this week. My motivation is way down...almost feels nonexistent right now. I'm the type of person that takes everything so personally that when bad things happen or I make a bad decision, I make myself pay for that until I feel I've made up for it. I will be making up BIG time for this week.

Work has been crazy insane with inventory this week. I take my work home with me (bad habit!) so that hasn't been helping at all either.  Lot's of early morning runs to 7-Eleven for my Red Bull and a yummy fruit and cheese-filled pastry fix as I head into work for a long day. I have been drinking a lot of water which is an upside, however; I doubt the amount of water I drink can contend in the ring with a cheese pizza from Domino's (I'VE BEEN A NAUGHTY GIRL!). Cue the tears and the anger.

It has also been an emotional week for me and I'm taking it out on my eating patterns. I either don't eat all or eat too much of the not-so-good stuff. I don't want to make excuses (Ashley, isn't that what you're doing??) but that's just how it's gone over the last few days.

I will get back on track, I've made too many promises to myself to turn back now. I plan on joining a gym with my tax refund money and continuing to try this Vegan lifestyle.

GOOD NEWS= I have none. :( I'm going to go wallow in self-pity and have a glass of wine. Or maybe two.


  1. Oh Ashley I feel your pain... I have moments like that and thankfully I have my chocolate in the freezer that keeps me sane! Don't be so hard on yourself. You had a bad day or two, we all do, pick yourself up and don't look back, look forward. You will be fine :)

  2. The exciting thing about life is that you can always start FRESH tomorrow. Or today. Or in the next second. You have (almost) infinite moments to give yourself a fresh start!

    Enjoy! :)
